© 2012 Wendy Stephens
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“DOORS OF HARLECH”: (a multimedia artwork video, time length 3 min. 50 sec)

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“Doors of Harlech” speaks to the concept of doors. Do they keep things inside? or do they keep things outside? That is the quintessential question it brings to my mind. I think they do both, and to what extent is the mystery. Doors of a Village, Town, City, Country, all paint a portrait of the people who live behind them and the people who live outside them. The “Doors” create a culture or sub-culture of a community, a society, a country, all defining its socio-economic, political persuasions, social networks, social status, and thus creating the core fabric and real culture of a place, as defined through Art. The Doors become art icons, defining them as important and enduring symbols. They serve as reference points, but only to transcend into limitless concepts of space and time. You the viewer, are invited to enter this journey, by watching the video, which was all photographed in Harlech,Wales- U.K., and which will take you on both a visual and auditory experience.
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