These two panels demonstrate the existence in two dimensions of a parallel universe. Everything appears to be the same, but on closer examination there exists the ever-slight differences, that when multiplied can be infinite.
Out of nothing there comes something, and therefore the equation of nothing=something can be a continuum of an exchange of energy.
The idea of this work is the concept of the Black Hole, whereby everything is absorbed and time does not exist. There is the Absence and the Substance of the Universe turning back onto itself and being absorbed into the Void.
In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave in The Republic reality to those chained and facing a wall existed only in the form of shadows. In this artwork, seeing only the illusion of an image, the observer experiences the absence of the expected substance of oneself, challenging the perspective of reality.
The absence of actual sound does not diminish the mind immediately making the abstract association with “hearing” the musical notes depicted on the sheet of music.
This work explores the iconic image of Gravestones. The Gravestone represents the Absence of the person, yet the Substance transcends either in memory or a belief system in some sort of after life. This work invites the observer to embark on an introspective journey of self-reflection with the challenge of examining both the absence and substance of our lives.